Love your mailer? Help us close a $419 fundraising gap!

Working with Paradise Copies, we emailed a postcard to all Northampton residents. We’ve gotten lots of great feedback on its colorful design and engaging look. It was by far our biggest expense of the campaign but we’re currently $419 short of what we’ve already expended. Can you help us close the gap?

Paradise Copies provided free design work for the postcard and the card stock used in the mailings. Paradise Copies gave us an estimate of $2500 to mail the postcards based on 12,500 households. It turned out that there were over 15,000 households, so the cost for the mailing turned out to be $3135.20. As a result we’ve spent about $615 more than we anticipated.

The principal members of our coalition have contributed $920 in cash contributions and $129 in in-kind contributions. We also spent a great deal of time organizing and running the campaign, including a lot of lawn sign deliveries. So if you can help us close the fundraising gap, we’d appreciate it! Just 17 donations of $25 each would close the gap. Please consider helping us close the gap by donating today! And enjoy what we expect will be faster and cheaper internet tomorrow!

Comments 2

  • is this vote for a Municipal Internet ? (as it says on side two of the flyer) or for a Municipal Light Plant ? (as it says on the front page).
    VERY confusing

  • This is due to Massachusetts law. Voters have to approve a municipal light plant in order for the city to provide municipal internet (a municipal network).

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