Campaign update! Signs (mostly) delivered, radio ad made, but we’re still a little short!

Some updates:

  • For those of you who haven’t or can’t pick up your lawn signs or stickers, we did our best to deliver what we had left to your door yesterday. So check your door or front porch for a sign and/or stickers and post them prominently!
  • We ordered 25 more signs, since requests keep coming in. When they come in, we’ll notify you. They should arrive by October 20. Not all signs ordered are yet taken, and we still have some bumper stickers, so feel free to request signs or stickers!
  • We’ve also been working with Paradise Copies, which is generously donating time and materials for our effort. They sent us draft postcards for mailing to all residences in Northampton. Once we settle on the wording, we’ll figure out when the optimal time is to send them out. The post office will charge us $2500 for the mass mailing, so the bulk of your donations will go for this effort.
  • We worked on a radio ad, but as it is political most stations charge us to broadcast it. Unfortunately, it would require substantially more donations. But you can listen to it and share it with your friends and neighbors!
  • Lee Feldscher and Mark Hamill from the coalition recorded an interview on our Yes on Question 1 campaign with WHMP’s Panorama show. It should air Saturday at 7 AM, and be available as a podcast. We’re also hoping a couple other local radio shows will want to interview us.
  • We remain impressed with the outpouring of support and money from residents for our campaign. Here’s minimally what we expect to spend:
    • $2500 – Mailing to all Northampton residents
    • $436 – 50 signs and 50 stickers (first batch)
    • $173 – 25 more signs (second batch)

That’s $3109. We’ve received $2865 to date. So we’re $335 short of our $3200 goal. If you can chip in to help us reach our goal, we’d really appreciate it! It’s generally quick and simple to donate: go to our donate page!

We on the coalition have stepped up to the plate too, contributing $400 so far toward the campaign.

Let’s keep posting signs and talking to neighbors. Let’s pass Question 1!

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