Vote Yes on Question 1 … and help promote our campaign

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In about five weeks, Northampton voters will have the chance to vote Yes or No on allowing the city of Northampton to create a Municipal Light Plant (MLP). It’s a bit confusing, but the way for a municipality to create a network to provide Internet service is to first create an MLP. To learn more about why we think a municipal network is a great idea, read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

So, no, you won’t be voting to create a power or a telephone company – just to allow the city to provide Internet service if it determines that doing so is in the best interest of the community! A feasibility study is currently under way, and the results will inform the city on the necessity and best methodology for providing these services.

If a majority of voters vote Yes, the City may create one, but is not required to do so. Please tell your friends and neighbors to vote Yes on Question 1. There are many good reasons for the city to build a municipal network – faster speeds, better service, competition, privacy, etc.

With about five weeks to go until Election Day, we are working to get the word out. Some ways don’t cost any money, such as op-ed’s and radio interviews, but some require spending money. We plan to purchase lawn signs and hope to do a mailing to voters. Lawn signs can cost up to $4 each, but it’s an effective way to capture voter’s attention. Postage for the mailing could cost up to several thousand dollars.

How to get a lawn sign or bumper stickers

Click here or click on the “Get signs/stickers link” on the menu.

Help fund our campaign!

If you can afford to chip in a few (or more) bucks, we’d appreciate it. Really, it doesn’t need to be much and any amount is appreciated. Check out our donate page.

Thank you! Let’s do this! Vote Yes on Question 1!

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