An article in yesterday’s Daily Hampshire Gazette revealed that Design Nine ( was selected as the vendor to perform the feasibility study for municipal broadband in Northampton. (The attached article is not currently available on the Gazette’s website, so a scanned copy is shown below.)

Members of our coalition served as advisors to the Mayor in the selection process. Although we felt many of the vendors who submitted proposals for the study would have done a great job, we agree with the Mayor’s selection of Design Nine. They are an experienced company when it comes to municipal broadband studies, and they seem to be the “roll your sleeves up and get to work” kind of team. We felt their experience and strategy were well suited for Northampton’s study.
The first step in the study will be to circulate surveys among the residents and businesses of Northampton. We will be helping to spread the word about the availability of the surveys once they are ready.
We strongly urge you to fill in the survey when the time comes, and help us spread the word around the city. The more survey respondents the better for the accuracy of the results.
Look for an update from us in the near future.