It was a miserable day for a Hot Chocolate Run in Northampton today … steady rain and temperatures not far above freezing. That did not keep thousands of runners and walkers from participating in this event for Safe Passage anyhow. It didn’t deter our coalition either. We parked at the corner of Main Street and Crackerbarrel Alley across from City Hall. When we weren’t cheering on the participants, we were asking many wet passers by to sign our petition for a community network.

We collected 57 new paper signatures today, to tack on to the 88 we got in our last event on November 10. That’s a total of 145 paper signatures. We have 275 signatures for our online petition, for a grand total of 420 signatures. We are nearly halfway there on our goal of achieving 1000 signatures from Northampton residents and workers! Thanks to all who have signed and please continue to spread the word! Network our initiative with neighbors and friends. Point them to this website. Send them the link to our online petition!
We also gave out about 100 brochures to passers by. Thanks to Paradise Copies for providing free printing and graphics services for this effort. They printed 500 more brochures for us to pass out!
Today we made ourselves a presence in Northampton, seen by thousands of event attendees. Our banner and location gave us great visibility, and hundreds were informed about our initiative.
Also consider attending our coalition meeting tomorrow, Monday, December 3rd at 7 PM. We’re meeting at Free Press, 40 Main Street #301 in Florence, across from Coopers Corner. We’ll be in their conference rom. Consider your time an investment. If we succeed you will save $30/month or more for life, plus you will have higher-speed fiber optic network to the home, net neutrality, citizen control of the network and no one will be selling your data!